Hogwarts Legacy: Does Choosing Witch or Wizard Matter?
What is the difference between choosing Witch or Wizard in Hogwarts Legacy? Here’s everything you need to know about being a witch or wizard.
One of the most popular questions directed at Avalanche’s new RPG is about the dormitory types in Hogwarts. At the start of the game, Hogwarts Legacy asks players to choose their dormitory. There are two answers at play here, and those are “witch” and “wizard.”
In J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World, there are various schools that have many similarities and differences. But when it comes to Hogwarts Legacy, it is safe to say the answer to this question is not an exciting one. And if you are in a second dilemma, where you think Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition is worth it, we’ve got you covered.
Witch or Wizard in Hogwarts Legacy
The character customization menu of Hogwarts Legacy is not very detailed. Yet it does offer you the chance to add minor details to personalize your character. Of course, it is also possible to add glasses as a small tribute to Harry Potter.
As we mentioned earlier, Hogwarts Legacy also asks you whether you want to become a Witch or Wizard. And hear this, there won’t be anything different based on your answer. This will only decide how your dormitory looks, and nothing else.
What are the choice differences between Witch and Wizard in Hogwarts Legacy?
You might have thought that being a Witch should have major impacts throughout your journey. But it actually does not. Likewise, being a Wizard in the world of Hogwarts Legacy will not change anything as well.
It means that you won’t miss any content. If you are into the world of Harry Potter, you would argue that these two classes don’t have major differences too. So feel free to choose the one that suits you.
You might be wondering whether it is possible to switch to a Wizard or a Witch later on. Let’s say you kicked off your journey as a fellow Witch. Does the game allow you to change your dormitory in other stages of the game?
Can you change your dormitory in Hogwarts Legacy?
No. Hogwarts Legacy does not let you change your dormitory. If you finalized the character creation process as a Witch, you will stay as one until you complete your journey. The same applies to the players who picked Wizard as their dormitory type.
Here’s what you can change in the game’s character creation editor:
- 30 presets
- 15 face shapes
- 50 hairstyles
- Hair Color
- Complexion
- Eye color
- Voice tone
- Voice pitch
- Eyebrow color
- Eyebrow shape
- Freckles and moles
- Scars and markings
- Skin color
- Glasses
The dormitory option is not an unchangeable characteristic, though. You can’t change your body shape as well. That’s why it is important that you are content with your choices. Otherwise, you might want to start over and create a new character altogether.
During the character screen though, it is possible to adjust how your character sounds. The RPG allows you to choose one of three different voice pitches. Alongside the voice option, you can also pick one of the many appearance styles from the title’s editor. Moreover, you can change your appearance in Hogsmeade at Madam Snelling’s Tress Emporium.
Whether you are a witch or a wizard, we believe that you will have a good time in Hogwarts Legacy. The game’s world is beautifully crafted and wonderfully tailored for Harry Potter fans.
That being said, even if you are not a fan, you will have a good time in the game as it has already amassed thousands of positive reviews across multiple platforms.